Interested in joining us at Prairie Lutheran?
Below you will find general enrollment info. Make sure to contact the office if you have any questions!

Pre-Kindergarten Program
- Tuition is $77/month/child.
- First month’s tuition is payable upon application. Remainder is paid monthly.
- One-time fees
- $39 for student materials
- Financial Assistance is available. Please contact the school office at 507-426-7755.
To be enrolled in the PreK 3 class, a child must be
- At least 33 months of age
- Potty trained and able to perform basic bathroom skills independently
Children ages 33-35 months will be
- asked to repeat PreK 3 the following school year.
- registered for Pre-K 3 when class size allows for this, with preference being given to children 36+ months.
Please contact the teacher or principal regarding additional questions regarding eligibility and enrollment.
- Parents are responsible for transporting Pre-K children to and from school.
- Bussing may be available in some circumstances. Contact the GFW School District to inquire.
- PreK 3 – Wednesday & Friday from 8:00 – 11:00 a.m.
- PreK 4 – tuesday & Thursday from 12:00-3:00 p.m.
Activities Include
Playtime, devotion , pre-math activities, singing, Bible lessons, small muscle activities, stories, large muscle activities, pre-reading activities, games.

K-8th Grade Info
Daily Schedule
Kindergarten ( All day, every day Monday – Friday)
Grades K-4 8:00 – 3:00
Grades 5-8 8:20 – 2:50
Bussing is available with the GFW School District.
Breakfast and Hot Lunch are available for free for students in grades K-8. The Free and Reduced Lunch Application is encouraged to fill out for all students, it helps the school with funding and available grants.
Registration Fee
- $400.00 educational materials and insurance fee for K-8th Grade.
- Adult communicant member of the four congregations contribute to PLS through weekly offerings at their church services.
- Non-member tuition will be billed monthly for all families without one adult communicant member. The annual amounts for non-member tuition:
- $3,070.00 Grades K-8 (1st child)
- $2,150.00 Grades K-8 (Additional children)
- Financial Assistance is available. Please contact the school office.

- Confess their faith in the Triune God;
- The Father who has made them and cares for them and the world in which they live.
- Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who has died for the sins of all, including theirs.
- The Holy Spirit, whose temple they are, and who by Word and Sacrament seeks to strengthen and preserve their faith.
- Love the Word of God, and therefore seek its instruction in school, church and home and to accept its authority in all matters both spiritual and temporal.
- Be faithful stewards of God’s gifts:
- By recognizing that their time, talents and treasures come from God and use them to God’s glory.
- By sharing the comfort and joy of the Gospel with others.
- By using their gifts in their congregation, community and synod.
- Accept authority:
- Of God their heavenly Father, who has power to help in time of need.
- Of God’s representatives in the home, church, school and state, and to give them honor and respect.
All subjects are taught and all activities pursued so that our children:
- Receive a quality elementary/middle school education.
- Are prepared to enter high school.
- Develop their full potential as individuals.
- Learn to evaluate all of life from a Christian perspective.
- Become useful Christians in their home, church, school and community.
Enrollment Policy
- Children of members of the Association
- Children of members of sister congregations of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS or ELS).
- Children of families who neither hold membership at a church home nor regularly attend another church.
- Children of families who hold membership in or regularly attend other churches not in fellowship with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Because it is our expressed intent and purpose to minister to those in categories one through three, applications for children in these categories will be processed first. Those accepted from categories one through three will be enrolled throughout the spring as applications are received.
Applications of children in category four will also be processed when received; however, those accepted will be done so on a tentative basis and will be placed on a temporary waiting list until May 1, at which time they will be enrolled as space availability allows. If there are more students on the waiting list than available spots, the Prairie Lutheran’s School Board will determine which families will be enrolled.
All students no matter what category will be reviewed each year for school enrollment. Future enrollment can depend, but is not limited to; excessive tardiness, excessive absenteeism, bill status, academic achievement, and general school behavior. The principal will inform parents if the child is under consideration for future enrollment. The principal will also inform parents of the School Board’s decision.
Student capacity is 12 students for Kindergarten and grades 1-8 twenty-four students per classroom. Category four students will no longer be enrolled in grades K-2 when enrollment reaches twenty and will no longer be enrolled in grades 3-8 when enrollment reaches twenty-two. The last two spots in each classroom will be left open to accommodate students in categories one through three throughout the summer and into the school year. If there is no space available because the classroom limit has been reached, the applicant may ask to be placed on a waiting list in the event an opening occurs. Final classroom enrollment will be determined by PLS School Board.
Application Process
There is no application fee; however, upon acceptance, parents are required to pay a registration fee to reserve their child’s space.
For children transferring from another school, report cards, attendance records, and test results from the previous two years must be submitted with the application.
If desired by either the applicant family or the school, one of the pastors may meet with the applicant family to discuss any spiritual needs or concerns.
Parents are informed by letter whether their child has been accepted, declined enrollment, or placed on a waiting list. The Prairie Lutheran School Board will be informed of all enrollments and, in special circumstances, may make the final decision whether a student will be accepted.
All new students are enrolled on a probationary basis for the first full quarter they attend our school. Category three and four children and their siblings will be re-enrolled each year as long as they display appropriate conduct and academic effort and their parents have met all enrollment requirements.
Enrollment Requirements
- Parents and/or guardian of the applicant must agree to attend the School Parents’ Bible Information Class to acquaint them with the religious instruction their children receive at Prairie Lutheran School. The class meets once a week for four weeks and is offered as scheduled with any of the Prairie Lutheran congregations’ pastors. It is best if both parents/guardian attend the same session, but it is allowable for the mother and father to attend different sessions. There is no fee for this class. Most parents find this class to be very spiritually invigorating, and each parent is invited to complete the entire Bible Information Class over an additional fifteen-week period. (The full nineteen session class can lead to membership at one of the four congregations.)
- Parents/guardian must agree to allow their child attend the worship services in which his or her class is scheduled to sing (several times each year). Singing in worship is an integral part of our religion curriculum and provides our students an opportunity to praise God and confess the Biblical truths they are learning in school.
- Parents/guardian must be supportive of the school, its teachers, its religion classes, and its policies.
- Parents/guardian must be faithful in making timely tuition and other school related payments.
Parents/guardian must provide academic, attendance, and behavioral records from previous schools as well as results of psychological, cognitive, or academic achievement tests for the principal’s review.